In an effort to reduce waste and save you money on pallet disposal, we are running a complimentary pallet collection service. Simply contact the Customer Support Team and arrange for for your free pallet collection. Please note we require seven days notice, and only pallets supplied by ARC are eligible under the service. Please see our Collection Service T&Cs for a full breakdown.
Ahead of your complimentary pallet collection, please ensure that the below requirements have been met. Failing to do so may cause disruption to the collection, or your pick-up may be refused.
Pallet Size
All pallets must have a footprint between 1.1m2 & 1.2m2. Pallets smaller or larger than this dimension cannot be accepted.
Pallet Quality
Check all pallets for signs of damage, ensure all spacers are present, slats are in place and not broken and that the pallet is generally in a good, sturdy condition.
Please stack pallets neatly in quantities of fifteen. Please note that only multiples of fifteen will be accepted, 15, 30, 45 etc. Partial stacks will not be accepted.