16th November 2020
ARC TCB restricts the spread of smoke and flames within the cavity of timber frame walls, while also minimising the effect of flanking noise pollution.
Read this news story01st November 2020
ARC Eco-Closer closes the cavity around window and door openings in masonry walls, providing up to 60 minutes fire integrity.
Read this news story31st October 2020
ARC Eco-Closer Plus closes wider cavities around window and door openings in masonry walls, providing up to one hour fire integrity.
Read this news story27th October 2020
ARC Rockfibre Insulated DPC is a fire rated cavity closer designed to close the cavity around window and door reveals in conjunction with a return block, fitting between the return...
Read this news story24th October 2020
ARC Smart-Closer closes the cavity around window and door openings.
Read this news story22nd October 2020
ARC Contract-Closer closes the cavity around window and door openings.
Read this news story21st October 2020
ARC Flexi-Closer closes the cavity around window and door openings in masonry walls, providing excellent thermal properties.
Read this news story20th October 2020
ARC Insulated DPC is a thermal cavity closer designed to close the cavity around window and door reveals in conjunction with a return block, fitting between the return block and...
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