ARC Team Raise More Than £2800 for the Lymphoma Association

ARC Team Raise More Than £2800 for the Lymphoma Association

13th July 2016

On what seemed to be the wettest windiest day of the year, on July 9th over 30 colleagues, friends and extended family set off up Snowdon in memory of our colleague Dave Kemp. With winds gusting at the top of up to 40 miles an hour, some of us made it half way, some three quarters, some right to the top. Three of us walked up a second mountain too!

The incredible team spirit and support from everyone throughout the adventure was second to none. With ages ranging from 8 years old to 71, we all got involved and hope Dave would have been very proud.

We have smashed the target we set ourselves and have so far raised over £2800 for the Lymphoma Association. Once we have collected everything, we are confident that the final figure raised will be over £3000. Donations are still coming in to our just giving page, if you would like to add anything more, you can do so here;